Checklist Before Getting Braces from a General Dentist

Braces Camas, WA

Braces are a great way to straighten crooked teeth and correct uneven bites. When preparing for the treatment process to begin, it can be helpful to review certain things with the general dentist. 

How to prepare before getting braces

Outlined below is a checklist for patients who are preparing to undergo braces treatment from their general dentist. Keep reading to learn more about the preparation process!

Ask questions!

One of the most important things to do before getting braces is to ask the general dentist questions. Patients should be well-informed on the braces treatment prior to anything beginning. It is necessary to ask questions about everything, including the treatment plan, expectations and even general things, like how often adjustments are necessary or what is normal versus what might not be. General dentists are trained to answer these questions. While administering braces is their main job, they are also there to ensure that patients feel okay about their upcoming treatment. 

Review oral hygiene

Reviewing oral hygiene with the general dentist is another important thing to do. Braces involve brackets and wires, which can make brushing and flossing very difficult. Regardless of the difficulties that come along with oral hygiene during the braces treatment process, it is still very necessary to regularly clean the teeth. Asking a general dentist about recommendations and tips on oral hygiene is a good idea. 

Set expectations

It is important to have expectations prior to braces treatment beginning. Patients should fully understand what to expect so that there are not any surprises or disappointments throughout the treatment process. Some examples include not being able to eat certain foods that could damage the brackets or wires or simpler things, like how often it will be necessary to visit the general dentist for adjustments. 

Review the timeline and treatment plan

General dentists typically outline the timeline and treatment plan prior to braces being administered, however, it is crucial to review it a few times before the process begins. This allows the patient to fully understand how long treatment may take, as well as what the goals are for the braces.

Some patients may be required to wear their braces for a year, while others may only need them for 6 months. Additionally, the goals may vary. Some patients may have a severe underbite that needs to be corrected, while others could have a crooked upper arch of teeth. Regardless of the goal, it is important to review it with the general dentist before treatment begins. 

Purchase soft food

Immediately after braces are placed on the teeth, a lot of patients report soreness or slight discomfort. There should never be any pain involved, but being uncomfortable for a couple of days is completely normal. One great way to prepare before getting braces put on is to purchase some soft foods. Having things such as soup, smoothie supplies or even applesauce and icecream can be helpful. Softer foods will be easier to consume when the teeth have a fresh set of braces on them.

Get started today!

It is good to be prepared for braces treatment. Working with a general dentist about ways to prepare can be beneficial for when the braces are first placed. Any further questions or concerns about this process should be addressed by our office. Reach out today!

Request an appointment here: or call Design Dentistry at (360) 928-6050 for an appointment in our Camas office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Braces in Camas, WA.

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